As for Paul and I, we're both feeling much better. Thank goodness for that. Now I can be 100% and take care of Mia. It is quite amazing what you can do once you have a child. I mean I know that before Mia was born, had I felt the way I did on the weekend I would have stayed in bed and not moved an inch for like 2-3 days. But, ya got to do what ya got to do. :)
The weather today is just WICKED. The wind is blowing everything around out there. I'm happy we didn't rake our lawn yet...although the neighbours are probably cursing us, cause half of our leaves are in their yard now. lol. I don't believe in raking until the trees in and around our property don't have any leaves yet, otherwise what's the point? We'll just have to do it 2-3 times!
I baked some cupcakes this am. I needed to practice using my tips before next's what I made...oh and I made my own cupcake batter from scratch. THE BEST recipe on the face of the earth! No joke! I should dig it out and share. Another time. Here's the cupcakes:
Mia just woke to make a bottle and feed the child!
Yummers, may I have one? hee hee just kidding but they look amazing! Great job!
so - where is the recipe??
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