Circle Tree
This one is SUPER DUPER easy... All you need is a 3 circle punches or a circle cutter that makes 3 different sized circles, scissors, adhesive, 3 green CS and 1 brown CS.
Ok... cut 5 small circles from 1 green CS, 5 medium circles from another green CS and 5 Large circles from the final green CS. Using scissors, cut out a tree trunk and some branches from your brown CS. The more jagged your edges are the more 'fun' your tree will look...meaning, ANYONE can cut a tree trunk...
Now, adhere your tree trunk and branches together...add some adhesive to the back of your tree branches and place your 5 large cirlces behind the branches so that they fully cover the area. (you may need a sixth large circle, depending on how large your tree is and your circles are). Then, take the 5 medium circles and place them staggered over the 5 large circles, also covering some of your branches. Then, I used some pop dots and placed the 5 small circles staggered over the medium circles. TADA...a tree. How EASY is that??? could do this but instead of using 3 green CS use 1 green, 1 orange and 1 yellow (or red) and then you have a gorgeous fall tree. You can add red buttons to the final tree and apple tree. Or, add orange, yellow and red buttons and tada a fall tree with leaves. SO easy...
Ribbon Tree
This is more for Christmas but I'm sure it could be used on any lo where you're looking for some greenery.
You will need green CS, adhesive (xyron), scissors and ribbon (as many as you would like).
Cut the CS into a triangle...either run it through the xyron or cover it with adhesive. Now...cut your ribbon into tiny strips. Starting from the bottom layer the ribbon horizontally from bottom to top. Trim around the triangle (tree) and trim a few ribbons if need be. Add a trunk and TADA another fun tree. Takes all of 5 minutes to complete. I did my tree with green ribbons but try adding some colored ribbons for a decorated Christmas tree, or add brads, or buttons to add bulbs to your tree.
Well...what a weekend we had...and the craziness has yet to stop. We went to my parents place (up North) and attended a friends wedding. She was STUNNING.... made me want to get married all over again, that's the first time I've ever wanted to do it again!!! I loved my day, it was the perfect day... I guess I miss the planning and all the family that surrounds a wedding... Anyways, we had a great time. It was our first real full night out without the baby. Mom and Dad put her to bed and she was a champ and went to sleep right away for them. I stayed out until 12:15...I drank way too much wine...I payed for it that night and the next day but gosh I had fun!
On Sunday we had our turkey dinner. Was delicious. Then on Monday we had a huge brunch and headed for home. Mia through a little hissy fit about 2 hours away and screamed the whole way home. She just didn't want to be in the car seat... silly girl. So that was less than delightful. By the time we got home my head was throbbing so I went to bed.
Then yesterday...busy busy and today, busy busy. I have cake class tonight and have yet to bake my cake. I'm out of milk so once Mia wakes up from her nap, guess where I'm going. :) Hmm, I guess I could go somewhere and just buy a cake but where's the fun in that. I need to get some shortening too, looks like it might be a trip into Walmart. I also need to bring our car to a muffler place... There's a whole in it somewhere. Sounds like a freaking monster truck when you start it up. lol.
Today's the release of the design teams October layouts for . Once Nic has them up, I'll load them here too. I had fun with them. Except for one that I hate!!! It just bothers me for some reasons...not sure what it is.
Time to go and freshen up. Have a good one!
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