Well...another month has come and gone in the life of Mia... She turned 8 months old yesterday. It's the first time I said to Paul that I'm ready for baby #2... My baby isn't a baby anymore. It's so sad how fast it goes. She's almost crawling these days. She gets up on all fours and sways front to back...sometime she even backs up, but she hasn't mastered going forward yet. She starts moving forward and her legs give out on her. It won't be long now though. We do know that once she stops moving she'll be into everything. That's what gets her going now. If she sees something (not hers) that she really wants. Looks like we'll be baby proofing pretty soon!!!
I've been scrapbooking a little these days...not as much as I had been. I need to clean my area. It's just ridiculous how messy it is. I need to get some page kits done for this weekend too. I'm not too sure if that is going to happen though. (the page kits) I might just make my Christmas cards. We'll see.
I have cake class tonight. In fact it's our final week for Course 1. I baked my cake Saturday night, iced it yesterday so it's all ready for class tonight. It looks SO yummy. I'm dying to have a piece. LOL.
I don't really have much else to say. We had a low key weekend...If anything I'm just overwhelmingly emotional over Mia turning 8 months...so before I start crying again I'm off to distract myself. :)
October 27, 2008
October 22, 2008
Tooth #2...
...has made landfall in Mia's mouth. Might have been there yesterday but there's this little tongue that always seems to prevent me from checking. Poor thing...fighting a cold and then she gets a tooth...what next? Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
As for Paul and I, we're both feeling much better. Thank goodness for that. Now I can be 100% and take care of Mia. It is quite amazing what you can do once you have a child. I mean I know that before Mia was born, had I felt the way I did on the weekend I would have stayed in bed and not moved an inch for like 2-3 days. But, ya got to do what ya got to do. :)
The weather today is just WICKED. The wind is blowing everything around out there. I'm happy we didn't rake our lawn yet...although the neighbours are probably cursing us, cause half of our leaves are in their yard now. lol. I don't believe in raking until the trees in and around our property don't have any leaves yet, otherwise what's the point? We'll just have to do it 2-3 times!
I baked some cupcakes this am. I needed to practice using my tips before next week...here's what I made...oh and I made my own cupcake batter from scratch. THE BEST recipe on the face of the earth! No joke! I should dig it out and share. Another time. Here's the cupcakes:

Mia just woke up...off to make a bottle and feed the child!
As for Paul and I, we're both feeling much better. Thank goodness for that. Now I can be 100% and take care of Mia. It is quite amazing what you can do once you have a child. I mean I know that before Mia was born, had I felt the way I did on the weekend I would have stayed in bed and not moved an inch for like 2-3 days. But, ya got to do what ya got to do. :)
The weather today is just WICKED. The wind is blowing everything around out there. I'm happy we didn't rake our lawn yet...although the neighbours are probably cursing us, cause half of our leaves are in their yard now. lol. I don't believe in raking until the trees in and around our property don't have any leaves yet, otherwise what's the point? We'll just have to do it 2-3 times!
I baked some cupcakes this am. I needed to practice using my tips before next week...here's what I made...oh and I made my own cupcake batter from scratch. THE BEST recipe on the face of the earth! No joke! I should dig it out and share. Another time. Here's the cupcakes:
Mia just woke up...off to make a bottle and feed the child!
October 21, 2008
Day by day
So, slowly but surely everyone is getting better, but boy did we have a rough weekend. Mia is still quite stuffed up, Paul still seems to be in full cold mode, while I seem to be healing rather well. A few sniffles but not a whole lot more.
I went to cake class last night. I've been doing cake class for 3 weeks now at our local Michaels. Here's the cake I made... I think it's pretty good given it's the SECOND cake I've decorated:

I went to cake class last night. I've been doing cake class for 3 weeks now at our local Michaels. Here's the cake I made... I think it's pretty good given it's the SECOND cake I've decorated:
Next week will be the final class for course 1 then we'll start with course #2. I'm planning on taking course #3 which is tiered cakes, then course #4 which is fondant icing. I'm so looking forward to them. I'm really enjoying myself.
I don't really have much else to say. Things have been very low key. Mia turns 8 months on Sunday...so I'm making sure I enjoy every moment I have with her. My baby is really growing up!!!!!!!
Have a good one!!!
I don't really have much else to say. Things have been very low key. Mia turns 8 months on Sunday...so I'm making sure I enjoy every moment I have with her. My baby is really growing up!!!!!!!
Have a good one!!!
October 17, 2008
So I'm getting ready for the longest day of my life. We're all sick, Paul still went to work, Mia's in bed right now, sneezing her head off and I'm lying on the couch trying to dig deep to convince myself that I can last until 5, when Paul gets home.
I joined another scrapbook forum last night. They're having a 5 week contest and it sounded like a lot of fun. It's called justcre8.com There are some VERY talented ladies participating. I'm doing it just for the fun of it...I enjoy taking on a challenge every now and then.
Hmmm. Not much else to say. Oh...the whole weightloss/running thing has been somewhat absent the last 2 weeks. I'm still watching what I eat, I've gone for a few walks but in all, I haven't been as dedicated. Once this cold escapes me I'll be right back on track. When you feel so horrible, nothing really motivates you...ya know?
Anyhoo... off to check on the baby...then maybe make myself a nice hot cup of tea. :)
I joined another scrapbook forum last night. They're having a 5 week contest and it sounded like a lot of fun. It's called justcre8.com There are some VERY talented ladies participating. I'm doing it just for the fun of it...I enjoy taking on a challenge every now and then.
Hmmm. Not much else to say. Oh...the whole weightloss/running thing has been somewhat absent the last 2 weeks. I'm still watching what I eat, I've gone for a few walks but in all, I haven't been as dedicated. Once this cold escapes me I'll be right back on track. When you feel so horrible, nothing really motivates you...ya know?
Anyhoo... off to check on the baby...then maybe make myself a nice hot cup of tea. :)
October 16, 2008
A bunch of sickies...
So...we're sick. The whole bunch of us. Paul has a cold...the baby's nose is like a dripping faucet and I've been feeling really nauseous, exhausted really. I'm hoping a good nights sleep will help me feel better.
I have gotten quite a bit of scrapbooking done in the last few weeks. Here are some of my layouts...the photos of them aren't the greatest but if you can believe it, we haven't had enough sun (or I haven't had the time when the sun did come out) to go photograph them outside...
I'm so looking forward to this weekend. It will be our first weekend in 5 weeks where we have NO commitments. Just us. Our schedule. I'm thinking that Sunday, after church, will be a pj/football day. I can't wait for it! Saturday we'll probably go out, guess it will depend on how everyone is feeling.
A bit of good news too. Our second vehicle was sounding like a freaking airplane was taking off every time we started it...sounded really bad. We thought GREAT...anyways, we brought it in to have it looked at and $70 later it's good as new. Isn't that great? I'm so happy, I was thinking it was going to cost a small fortune!
Anyways... I have a few more places to go browse and then it's off to zzzzzzzzzzzzz land. Nighty night.
I have gotten quite a bit of scrapbooking done in the last few weeks. Here are some of my layouts...the photos of them aren't the greatest but if you can believe it, we haven't had enough sun (or I haven't had the time when the sun did come out) to go photograph them outside...
I'm so looking forward to this weekend. It will be our first weekend in 5 weeks where we have NO commitments. Just us. Our schedule. I'm thinking that Sunday, after church, will be a pj/football day. I can't wait for it! Saturday we'll probably go out, guess it will depend on how everyone is feeling.
A bit of good news too. Our second vehicle was sounding like a freaking airplane was taking off every time we started it...sounded really bad. We thought GREAT...anyways, we brought it in to have it looked at and $70 later it's good as new. Isn't that great? I'm so happy, I was thinking it was going to cost a small fortune!
Anyways... I have a few more places to go browse and then it's off to zzzzzzzzzzzzz land. Nighty night.
October 15, 2008
Happy Belated Thanksgiving...
First a little technique...then a little update....
Circle Tree
This one is SUPER DUPER easy... All you need is a 3 circle punches or a circle cutter that makes 3 different sized circles, scissors, adhesive, 3 green CS and 1 brown CS.
Ok... cut 5 small circles from 1 green CS, 5 medium circles from another green CS and 5 Large circles from the final green CS. Using scissors, cut out a tree trunk and some branches from your brown CS. The more jagged your edges are the more 'fun' your tree will look...meaning, ANYONE can cut a tree trunk...
Now, adhere your tree trunk and branches together...add some adhesive to the back of your tree branches and place your 5 large cirlces behind the branches so that they fully cover the area. (you may need a sixth large circle, depending on how large your tree is and your circles are). Then, take the 5 medium circles and place them staggered over the 5 large circles, also covering some of your branches. Then, I used some pop dots and placed the 5 small circles staggered over the medium circles. TADA...a tree. How EASY is that??? Imagine...you could do this but instead of using 3 green CS use 1 green, 1 orange and 1 yellow (or red) and then you have a gorgeous fall tree. You can add red buttons to the final tree and tada...an apple tree. Or, add orange, yellow and red buttons and tada a fall tree with leaves. SO easy...
Ribbon Tree
This is more for Christmas but I'm sure it could be used on any lo where you're looking for some greenery.
You will need green CS, adhesive (xyron), scissors and ribbon (as many as you would like).
Cut the CS into a triangle...either run it through the xyron or cover it with adhesive. Now...cut your ribbon into tiny strips. Starting from the bottom layer the ribbon horizontally from bottom to top. Trim around the triangle (tree) and trim a few ribbons if need be. Add a trunk and TADA another fun tree. Takes all of 5 minutes to complete. I did my tree with green ribbons but try adding some colored ribbons for a decorated Christmas tree, or add brads, or buttons to add bulbs to your tree.
Well...what a weekend we had...and the craziness has yet to stop. We went to my parents place (up North) and attended a friends wedding. She was STUNNING.... made me want to get married all over again, that's the first time I've ever wanted to do it again!!! I loved my day, it was the perfect day... I guess I miss the planning and all the family that surrounds a wedding... Anyways, we had a great time. It was our first real full night out without the baby. Mom and Dad put her to bed and she was a champ and went to sleep right away for them. I stayed out until 12:15...I drank way too much wine...I payed for it that night and the next day but gosh I had fun!
On Sunday we had our turkey dinner. Was delicious. Then on Monday we had a huge brunch and headed for home. Mia through a little hissy fit about 2 hours away and screamed the whole way home. She just didn't want to be in the car seat... silly girl. So that was less than delightful. By the time we got home my head was throbbing so I went to bed.
Then yesterday...busy busy and today, busy busy. I have cake class tonight and have yet to bake my cake. I'm out of milk so once Mia wakes up from her nap, guess where I'm going. :) Hmm, I guess I could go somewhere and just buy a cake but where's the fun in that. I need to get some shortening too, looks like it might be a trip into Walmart. I also need to bring our car to a muffler place... There's a whole in it somewhere. Sounds like a freaking monster truck when you start it up. lol.
Today's the release of the design teams October layouts for Compuproscrapbooking.com . Once Nic has them up, I'll load them here too. I had fun with them. Except for one that I hate!!! It just bothers me for some reasons...not sure what it is.
Time to go and freshen up. Have a good one!
Circle Tree
This one is SUPER DUPER easy... All you need is a 3 circle punches or a circle cutter that makes 3 different sized circles, scissors, adhesive, 3 green CS and 1 brown CS.
Ok... cut 5 small circles from 1 green CS, 5 medium circles from another green CS and 5 Large circles from the final green CS. Using scissors, cut out a tree trunk and some branches from your brown CS. The more jagged your edges are the more 'fun' your tree will look...meaning, ANYONE can cut a tree trunk...
Now, adhere your tree trunk and branches together...add some adhesive to the back of your tree branches and place your 5 large cirlces behind the branches so that they fully cover the area. (you may need a sixth large circle, depending on how large your tree is and your circles are). Then, take the 5 medium circles and place them staggered over the 5 large circles, also covering some of your branches. Then, I used some pop dots and placed the 5 small circles staggered over the medium circles. TADA...a tree. How EASY is that??? Imagine...you could do this but instead of using 3 green CS use 1 green, 1 orange and 1 yellow (or red) and then you have a gorgeous fall tree. You can add red buttons to the final tree and tada...an apple tree. Or, add orange, yellow and red buttons and tada a fall tree with leaves. SO easy...
Ribbon Tree
This is more for Christmas but I'm sure it could be used on any lo where you're looking for some greenery.
You will need green CS, adhesive (xyron), scissors and ribbon (as many as you would like).
Cut the CS into a triangle...either run it through the xyron or cover it with adhesive. Now...cut your ribbon into tiny strips. Starting from the bottom layer the ribbon horizontally from bottom to top. Trim around the triangle (tree) and trim a few ribbons if need be. Add a trunk and TADA another fun tree. Takes all of 5 minutes to complete. I did my tree with green ribbons but try adding some colored ribbons for a decorated Christmas tree, or add brads, or buttons to add bulbs to your tree.
Well...what a weekend we had...and the craziness has yet to stop. We went to my parents place (up North) and attended a friends wedding. She was STUNNING.... made me want to get married all over again, that's the first time I've ever wanted to do it again!!! I loved my day, it was the perfect day... I guess I miss the planning and all the family that surrounds a wedding... Anyways, we had a great time. It was our first real full night out without the baby. Mom and Dad put her to bed and she was a champ and went to sleep right away for them. I stayed out until 12:15...I drank way too much wine...I payed for it that night and the next day but gosh I had fun!
On Sunday we had our turkey dinner. Was delicious. Then on Monday we had a huge brunch and headed for home. Mia through a little hissy fit about 2 hours away and screamed the whole way home. She just didn't want to be in the car seat... silly girl. So that was less than delightful. By the time we got home my head was throbbing so I went to bed.
Then yesterday...busy busy and today, busy busy. I have cake class tonight and have yet to bake my cake. I'm out of milk so once Mia wakes up from her nap, guess where I'm going. :) Hmm, I guess I could go somewhere and just buy a cake but where's the fun in that. I need to get some shortening too, looks like it might be a trip into Walmart. I also need to bring our car to a muffler place... There's a whole in it somewhere. Sounds like a freaking monster truck when you start it up. lol.
Today's the release of the design teams October layouts for Compuproscrapbooking.com . Once Nic has them up, I'll load them here too. I had fun with them. Except for one that I hate!!! It just bothers me for some reasons...not sure what it is.
Time to go and freshen up. Have a good one!
October 9, 2008
Where does the time go...
It's been almost a week since I last posted. I can't believe it. Every once in a while time seems to just speed by and I can't even tell you what I've been up to. It just flew right by me.
We did get some cute fall shots on the weekend...I wish I could have gotten Mia to look at the camera for some of them but all the same I'm pleased with what we got, given that it was just Paul and I shooting or the camera set up on the tripod shooting with the timer.
So here are some of the pics...
As far as eating and 'running'... this week has sucked. I'm not sure what got into me. I've been very disapointed in myself. But today is a new day, and I'm giving it a new start. I still have 50lbs to go....can't quit yet! I guess when you're eating healthy and making better decisions there should never be a quit option...this is a way of life...and when I look at it that way...instead of 'quitting' I like to think that it's inevitable for someone to fall off the band wagon every now and then. But then it's all about jumping back on. I'd rather have a few occasional slip ups then have just a few good days. Ya know?
I have to go do a few things, but I'll come back in a bit to post more... Tootles...
We did get some cute fall shots on the weekend...I wish I could have gotten Mia to look at the camera for some of them but all the same I'm pleased with what we got, given that it was just Paul and I shooting or the camera set up on the tripod shooting with the timer.
So here are some of the pics...
As far as eating and 'running'... this week has sucked. I'm not sure what got into me. I've been very disapointed in myself. But today is a new day, and I'm giving it a new start. I still have 50lbs to go....can't quit yet! I guess when you're eating healthy and making better decisions there should never be a quit option...this is a way of life...and when I look at it that way...instead of 'quitting' I like to think that it's inevitable for someone to fall off the band wagon every now and then. But then it's all about jumping back on. I'd rather have a few occasional slip ups then have just a few good days. Ya know?
I have to go do a few things, but I'll come back in a bit to post more... Tootles...
October 3, 2008
Quick Hello
I don't really have much to say today. Yesterday was one of those days I'd like to just do over. Ya know when you wake up and from the minute you get out of bed to the minute you go to sleep, not one thing goes right? That was yesterday. There were what seemed like torrential rains outside and this was the day that Mia and I had to run errands and I couldn't find her a coat! I baked a cake for friends who are coming to dinner tonight, only for it to be flatter than a pancake! Paul and I argued almost all evening because the restaurant we were supposed to go to for supper had a 50 minute wait and I just couldn't do it with the baby. Then I just kept telling myself it was all ok cause it was Grey's Anatomy night. NOPE...stupid vice presidential debates! Totally sucked.
Well today is a new day, yesterday was the past so time to move on. I need to clean the house a bit...get supper going so that it can simmer all day (a new spaghetti and meatball recipe - my fingers are crossed that this turns out better than the stupid cake!) I'm also trying to stay warm...the house is FREEZING today. I must have caught a chill yesterday. I'm just hoping it's just me and not the baby too.
Alrighty then...time to go and start my day.
Well today is a new day, yesterday was the past so time to move on. I need to clean the house a bit...get supper going so that it can simmer all day (a new spaghetti and meatball recipe - my fingers are crossed that this turns out better than the stupid cake!) I'm also trying to stay warm...the house is FREEZING today. I must have caught a chill yesterday. I'm just hoping it's just me and not the baby too.
Alrighty then...time to go and start my day.
October 2, 2008
4 years ago today...
4 years ago today, it was a Saturday.
4 years ago today I woke up and it was raining, just like it is today.
4 years ago today, at this time, I was getting ready for what I had looked forward to my whole life.
4 years ago today, I wasn't nervous about what I was about to do, I was excited for our future.
4 years ago today, I was living in the upstairs of a house with hopes of one day owning a home, having kids and maybe even a puppy.
4 years ago today my dad 'gave me away' and I got to start the happiest chapter of my life, with someone I had been wanting to share life, my future with, for a very long time.
4 years ago today I said I do, I signed the papers and I meant it, forever and always.
4 years ago today I started one amazing journey, with one amazing man and every day I consider myself a lucky lucky girl.
Over the last 4 years...we bought a house, we've traveled, we adopted Molly, we both changed jobs, and most significantly of all we were granted a miracle, we were blessed with our daughter.
Today I not only celebrate the event of 4 years ago today, but I also celebrate the happenings that have occurred ever since then, and I look forward to our future together as a couple, as a family, for many many years to come.
4 years ago today, I started my happy ever after...
Paul...hun da bun...I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, forever and always my husband you'll be.
Here are a few pics, from 4 years ago today...

4 years ago today I woke up and it was raining, just like it is today.
4 years ago today, at this time, I was getting ready for what I had looked forward to my whole life.
4 years ago today, I wasn't nervous about what I was about to do, I was excited for our future.
4 years ago today, I was living in the upstairs of a house with hopes of one day owning a home, having kids and maybe even a puppy.
4 years ago today my dad 'gave me away' and I got to start the happiest chapter of my life, with someone I had been wanting to share life, my future with, for a very long time.
4 years ago today I said I do, I signed the papers and I meant it, forever and always.
4 years ago today I started one amazing journey, with one amazing man and every day I consider myself a lucky lucky girl.
Over the last 4 years...we bought a house, we've traveled, we adopted Molly, we both changed jobs, and most significantly of all we were granted a miracle, we were blessed with our daughter.
Today I not only celebrate the event of 4 years ago today, but I also celebrate the happenings that have occurred ever since then, and I look forward to our future together as a couple, as a family, for many many years to come.
4 years ago today, I started my happy ever after...
Paul...hun da bun...I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, forever and always my husband you'll be.
Here are a few pics, from 4 years ago today...

October 1, 2008
Go me...
So...as I mentioned on Tuesday. I started running. Well today is Wednesday and Wednesday = running day. UGH. So all day I was trying to convince myself I didn't have to run tonight. I was trying to come up with really good justifiable reasons why I should go. I even prayed for a bit of rain when it started to cloud over. But of course it was a BEAUTIFUL fall evening. So I decided to mention it to Paul, that today was running day. That way I had someone to be accountable to. Again, I tried to convince myself I didn't want to. I even mentioned it to Paul and he said "If you don't want to, then don't do it." That comment alone did it for me. It made me want to do it. It made me feel like he didn't think I could do it. So I went, and I'm happy I went. My goodness it's only 30 minutes of my day. I mean seriously...it's not like I was gone for days. So anyways... day 2 of running. COMPLETE. :) I'm so happy.
On another note. My friend came over this afternoon with her daughter. It's my friends birthday tomorrow and I took some pictures of her daughter that I plan on framing tomorrow and giving to her as a gift. Hopefully she likes it. :) Here are some of the pics I took.
Off to watch ANTM then Private Practice. YAY!!!
On another note. My friend came over this afternoon with her daughter. It's my friends birthday tomorrow and I took some pictures of her daughter that I plan on framing tomorrow and giving to her as a gift. Hopefully she likes it. :) Here are some of the pics I took.
Off to watch ANTM then Private Practice. YAY!!!
Happy October...
Wow...October already. That means I go back to work in 4 months...but lets not think about that... on the brighter side. That means that tomorrow is my wedding anniversary to my wonderful husband... yup 4 years ago we tied the knot... wow. That also means it's my favorite month. I just love October. I love the crisp air in the morning. I love the color on the trees. I love fall days where you put a sweater on and go outside for a nice long walk. I'm so excited to get some pics of Mia in the fall leaves. I have her sweater all picked out and ready to go. :)
Today a friend is coming over with her daughter. She's just shy of 4 months old. I'll be watching her for a bit while my friend goes to the Dentist. We'll see how well that goes over. :) I'm quite certain Mia has another tooth coming in, so she's been a little 'needy'. Hopefully she'll feel better soon.
I finally took some pics of the Christmas cards I made the other day. They're a little non-traditional this year. I like them. I like that they're different. Here are a few pics of them:
Have a great day...time to go feed the baby...Happy first day of my favorite month!
Today a friend is coming over with her daughter. She's just shy of 4 months old. I'll be watching her for a bit while my friend goes to the Dentist. We'll see how well that goes over. :) I'm quite certain Mia has another tooth coming in, so she's been a little 'needy'. Hopefully she'll feel better soon.
I finally took some pics of the Christmas cards I made the other day. They're a little non-traditional this year. I like them. I like that they're different. Here are a few pics of them:
Have a great day...time to go feed the baby...Happy first day of my favorite month!
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