December 5, 2008

Is it about the $$$ or the giving???

So I was talking to some random person at the mall. They had a small baby, that always seems to stir up conversations, when you're toting a baby around. Anyways...we got talking about Christmas and how different things would be with a baby. We talked about what to get babies...then talked about family and friends. I (thankfully) didn't mention much of what I was getting friends and family... Why thankfully? Well, she said that she doesn't 'get' how people can give homemade things as gifts. That it's so cheap. She said that she has a friend that makes soaps, and every Christmas gives her friends soap for Christmas. I will be the first to admit, I wouldn't know what to do with a scented soap I would never use BUT the fact that you're receiving some of this specially made soap, TO ME, is very special, and I would be very thankful. So I made some truffles...I'm making cookies/brownies in a jar, all you have to do is add water or something and I'm giving those as gifts. Now I feel like the message I'm giving to my friends is that I'm cheap. Yes, it is a cheaper alternative to going out and buying something useless...something I'm guess they may like...or some other little trinket to clutter their house with. In my opinion, I'm giving them something I especially made for them. I could list a few other homemade gifts here that I plan on making this year, but some of the recipients read this blog. So now...what do I do? I don't want to look cheap...but I love what I'm making. I think they're so cute, and unique, and special and not to truffles are GOOOOOD. :) Sure this is just one persons opinion, but I can't help but wonder if maybe my friends, the recipients of my gifts, will feel the same. Something to think about...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kim I agree with you its about the thought and not the material things in life. To me the fact that someone spent their valuable time making me something that they consider special is way better than most gifts I could receive that was store bought. No it doesn't make you look cheap in my opinion it shows that you care about someone enough to spend time carefully preparing something special for them.
