November 24, 2008


So...Mia was napping and I took this as an opportunity to get something done around the house. My thought was...hmmm I'll take something out for supper and be ahead of the game. So I go downstairs to our deep freeze which is in our storage room but I can't even open the door because the room is so clutter. This room as been a disaster since we moved in. I attempted to clean it a few times but only got so far. Paul has this thing about keeping boxes. Big ones cause they're great for storage and they would come in handy if we ever move , small ones cause they're great for Christmas gifts, if we need a box. I'm totally on side with keeping a few small ones for Christmas, but not if small + big = boxland, expanding about 6 x 12 ...that's FEET PEOPLE. my anger I start going through stuff and chucking boxes here and there. In the meantime I realize how many 'little' boxes are full of Paul junk. So I try to put the little boxes into the 'great for packing' big boxes. I chuck a bunch of garbage, that was just sitting around, I tear up a bunch of old, torn boxes, cause they're useless...FINALLY I can get to the deep freeze. But why stop there? So I keep at it...I couldn't believe how much I got done in 2 hours. Paul has spent at least 3 or 4 hours about 3 times now and I swear all I think he's done all 3 of those times is go through the EXACT same boxes. Now, I actually have room to store some of the baby stuff we don't use anymore. That said. I still have a corner that's FULL Of boxes, but I just couldn't tear hands hurt. Plus Mia woke up from her nap. Now I'm pumped...just knowing how much I got done in such a short time.

Now there's still a whole area full of mouldings, old and new... I'm not sure how to tidy that up. Not to mention our bottle graveyard...there MUST be some ingenious way to recyle. There has to be. To people really make a trip to the bottle depot every month with just a bag or two of bottles? Then again, we don't bag them nearly as quickly as we should. I think I might tackle that tomorrow. I need some CHEAP organization tips... I think it's time to go surfing....

1 comment:

Queen Mel said...

You go girl......our bottles, we keep bagged all winter, we only go once a year and end up with like $80, mind you we have an old ugly car in the backyard that hubby plans to re-do some day and that is where they are kept...

Our basment, total disaster.