So... it's that time to set some goals for 2009... I feel like I'm constantly setting new goals. New years or not, I'm often saying ok...Today I start fresh...with whatever goals I may have. But, with the New Year it's always easier to start fresh, yet again, with a big long list of goals for this year...especially with all of the changes that occurred last year, I need to try and get some things strait.
Weight... This has been a struggle for me for a while now. But I'm determined to lose some weight. Ultimate goal... 75lbs...I'll be taking that one day at a time. There are a few obstacles I'll need to overcome but I'm pretty sure I can do it... this leads me to my second goal...
Exercise... I'm not much for exercise. I don't mind the occasional walk, I enjoy taebo and swimming...but I just don't have the discipline for regular scheduled exercise. Unless I have a goal. Mom is running the marathon at the Fredericton Marathon on Mother's Day...I decided that I would run the 10km...with a goal to finish the race (not to win). I have 4 months to get my body in shape and 'trained' for this. Thanks to a very generous offer, I may have a fascility to train at, so, here's hoping I get to accomplish this goal...
Scrapbooking... December is always such a whirlwind month...I never get anything done. I've got so many amazing pictures of Mia that I really need to get scrapping. I think I got a little overwhelmed given that I have 10 000+ pictures of her, but I've decided I will scrap events, and occassions and then every once in a while I can do a 'favorite'... I'm really excited about this. Especially since I've gotten the cricut and have yet to use it on a layout!!! That's my motivation to take all of my Christmas stuff down...once that's cleaned up I can scrap. As for specific goals... I'd like to get about 10 layouts a month...that might be a little much but we'll see. I'd also like to get a few more layouts published...but we shall see about that too, I haven't thought much about this goal.
Cakes... I really want to expand on this. I'm having a blast and have learnt so much. I'd love to continue making cakes and hopefully create myself a small business. Nothing much, but just something where people can give me a call if they want something special... :) I've already got a few cakes it'll just be a matter of putting myself out there. Hopefully this will be the year that Paul FINALLY finishes my website. :)
Baby #2... I think around June we might start trying again. Getting pregnant was such a struggle the first time around and I get REALLY nervous. I don't want to take anything away from Mia...she is my whole life right this will be thought over in depth and fingers crossed we will be pregnant this time next year.
I also have a few personal resolutions that don't really deserve their own category...for example I want to work on my patience...mostly with Paul, he deserves it. I also want to work hard as I return to work and be proud of my accomplishments in my carreer. I also want to make a bigger effort with Molly and give her more attention, like she deserves. She's such a good dog and she so often goes unnoticed...
That's about it... may you be blessed with health and happiness in 2009!