Just a few pictures I'd like to share. :)
Mia's first tooth...
A cutie shot I tweaked a little...
Her 7 month comparison shot...
Here's her 1 month comparison...just to 'compare'. :)
My baby is all grown up!!!
September 30, 2008
My Journey...
So... I started running. Kind of. I'm on a weight loss journey and hope to be on it for the next 4 months. By that I mean...I'd like to think that in 4 months I can get to my goal. Whatever that is. I haven't quite decided yet. I realized I needed to get some exercise in there. I've been doing WW for 4 weeks now, I've lost right around 10lbs so it's going well. But now I need to step up my game. So I have. I started running. My first night out was last night, and I only ran for 3 minutes. I guess to me it was the idea that I did it. I went out and I started. I'm doing an 8 week program. Something I just found on the internet. The first week you do 3 reps of walk 6 mins, run 1 min and a 5 minute cool down, 3 times a week. Next week I'll walk 5 mins run 2 mins and so on. Until week 8 you're running like 30 mins straight. Fingers crossed. 8 weeks. Hmmm. That'll put me at the end of November. So maybe I didn't embark on this at the greatest time of the year...but still it's something I had to do. It fits into our schedule perfectly. Paul gives Mia her bottle for bed and I leave for my walk/run. I really hope this helps. I really hope I stick with it. A few times now Paul has said how proud he is of me. :) That makes me proud of myself. I think that's nature...you're proud of yourself if someone actually comments on your progress. It just keeps you that much stronger. Someone even asked if I had lost some weight over the weekend. So nice. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling more confident. Funny how when you really start taking care of yourself you feel good in your skin. I think it's because I've stopped lying to myself, saying I'm doing everything I can when I wasn't. I know now that I'm doing everything I can. I know I'm taking very good care of my body. I know I'm doing my best, so I can't be dissapointed in myself. I keep meaning to take a before picture. I should do that. Then I'd like to take a photo every 2-3 weeks, to see if I can see the difference. Hmmm I should do that. I better do that now...because I'm slowly fading away. lol. :) Cheers!
September 29, 2008
6 months till my birthday
I'm officially *My Age* and a half today. :) I love birthdays...so many people seem to dread birthdays when once they become an adult...but not me. I like birthdays. It's your day... In fact, today is my Memere's birthday. Her party was this weekend but today is her BIG day. She's 90 years old. Imagine what she has seen in 90 years...It truly amazes me.
Today has been a VERY busy day. First I picked up Molly from the kennel. Then I came home and made a huge batch of sweet potato baby food and then some pear baby food. Then I fed Mia...got us dressed and then we had Mommy and me. Today was sign language. It was ok. I didn't learn anything new from what I knew already. It does remind me that I really should be doing more signs with her...now's the age. Afterwords we stopped at the Dollar store, where of course I found some great stuff. One of which is a stop watch because I've decided to do an 8 week 'teach yourself how to run' course. I found a really great article online and I will start it soon. Was thinking tonight...but we'll see if the rain holds up. I don't think I want my first night to be running in the rain. :)
Busy days are fun...but here I sit at 4pm and I can't help but wonder what I really did today. :) I have to work on a birthday present for a good friend of mine. So I think I will give that a go tonight. :) Off to feed the baby....
Today has been a VERY busy day. First I picked up Molly from the kennel. Then I came home and made a huge batch of sweet potato baby food and then some pear baby food. Then I fed Mia...got us dressed and then we had Mommy and me. Today was sign language. It was ok. I didn't learn anything new from what I knew already. It does remind me that I really should be doing more signs with her...now's the age. Afterwords we stopped at the Dollar store, where of course I found some great stuff. One of which is a stop watch because I've decided to do an 8 week 'teach yourself how to run' course. I found a really great article online and I will start it soon. Was thinking tonight...but we'll see if the rain holds up. I don't think I want my first night to be running in the rain. :)
Busy days are fun...but here I sit at 4pm and I can't help but wonder what I really did today. :) I have to work on a birthday present for a good friend of mine. So I think I will give that a go tonight. :) Off to feed the baby....
September 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Memere
We traveled to my parents place this weekend to celebrate my Father's Mother's birthday. She turns 90 tomorrow, September 29th. She looks better than she has in years. She recently moved into a home and it just seemed to open her whole world up. We got to take some pictures with Mia, Mom and Dad and Memere. She's my last surviving grandparent so it makes it really special.
Mia was on her best behavior. She seemed to cling to me on Saturday though. Then again my cousins girls were in her face like you wouldn't believe (their 2 and 4 and fascinated with babies). It was just a bit too much for Mia so she decided she just wanted to suck her thumb and hang out with Mommy. I'm sure others would have loved to hold her...but as her Mommy, it was nice to be 'wanted'. She put on a show for everyone when she ate her supper. She sucks her thumb after EVERY bite to help her swallow and then she says AHhhhhhh when I'm taking to long to give her her next bite. So cute. I'll have to upload a few pics...for now...I'm heading off to bed.
Chow baby...
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From Memere's Birthday |
Mia was on her best behavior. She seemed to cling to me on Saturday though. Then again my cousins girls were in her face like you wouldn't believe (their 2 and 4 and fascinated with babies). It was just a bit too much for Mia so she decided she just wanted to suck her thumb and hang out with Mommy. I'm sure others would have loved to hold her...but as her Mommy, it was nice to be 'wanted'. She put on a show for everyone when she ate her supper. She sucks her thumb after EVERY bite to help her swallow and then she says AHhhhhhh when I'm taking to long to give her her next bite. So cute. I'll have to upload a few pics...for now...I'm heading off to bed.
Chow baby...
September 25, 2008
Thursday's Nap Time Layout
My goal was to get some Christmas cards made during today's morning nap time but I had this super cute picture of Mia staring up at me and I had to scrap it. I got a little emotional too, since the picture is her grinning from ear to ear without any teeth... I'm thrilled that she now has a tooth, I mean she's getting to be a big girl and that will be fun...but I was sad too...cause that's just another part of her life that's done and over with. Sooo I tried to make sure I did the picture justice. I'm wanting to add some journaling but not entirely sure where yet...we'll see. So here it is:
September 24, 2008
I'm a horrible mother...
So yesterday I was past my patience limit with Mia... she wouldn't nap, she wouldn't let me put her down...she just screamed and screamed and wanted to be held ALL day. Well this morning I had my little princess back and thought, gee that was weird. I wasn't sure what caused the odd behavior but I was just pleased that it seemed to be over. So, this morning, I reached into the back seat to take her out, while running errands and she was making these strange faces with her tongue. Lot's of bubbles and then I thought I noticed some 'fuzzies' in her mouth, I tried to take it out, but it wouldn't come out...I look closer and whadaya know...a tooth!!! The poor thing was probably in so much pain yesterday. I didn't even think of a tooth... here she was wanting her mommy to comfort her and I was spent and getting upset with her, cause I thought she was just cranky... I feel like such a horrible mother!
Nap time...
September 18, 2008
I'm Baaaaaaaack.
Wow...I didn't fall off the face of the earth, but my lack of commitment here sure made it seem that way. I had a CRAZY summer...but let's forget about that and move on.
Things are going so well at the home front... Mia is growing up BIG TIME. She's not my tiny little baby anymore. :( But that's ok...because she's the most adorable little friend I've ever had!!!
I've been getting some pretty good shots of her lately. I'm super proud of this shot...

There's just something about it. Makes my heart melt every time I look at it. You'd think she was posing with her jacket collar up and all. She was just sitting on the deck watching the dog run around in the yard.
Now onto some projects I've been working on. I got an AMAZING Design Team kit for August. Daisy Bucket paper, LOVE IT and Making Memories Falalala paper...OMG love it too. I got some pretty good layouts done and I just finished 2 super cute Christmas projects...wanna see??? Voila...

And here's the other....

The gorgeous Christmas papers out there are so getting me into the Christmas spirit...hmmm Fall hasn't even officially started yet, so it might be a little early for that. That said, I have most of my Christmas shopping done for Mia, just the rest of the family to worry about. :) In the meantime I'll enjoy watching the leaves turn colors, I'm hoping to bring Mia apple picking and maybe even to a pumpkin patch, I have yet to find her a Halloween costume for her FIRST Halloween...but I'm sure something will be found.
I guesss that's about all I have to say for one night. Time for bed...Chow.
Things are going so well at the home front... Mia is growing up BIG TIME. She's not my tiny little baby anymore. :( But that's ok...because she's the most adorable little friend I've ever had!!!
I've been getting some pretty good shots of her lately. I'm super proud of this shot...

There's just something about it. Makes my heart melt every time I look at it. You'd think she was posing with her jacket collar up and all. She was just sitting on the deck watching the dog run around in the yard.
Now onto some projects I've been working on. I got an AMAZING Design Team kit for August. Daisy Bucket paper, LOVE IT and Making Memories Falalala paper...OMG love it too. I got some pretty good layouts done and I just finished 2 super cute Christmas projects...wanna see??? Voila...

And here's the other....

The gorgeous Christmas papers out there are so getting me into the Christmas spirit...hmmm Fall hasn't even officially started yet, so it might be a little early for that. That said, I have most of my Christmas shopping done for Mia, just the rest of the family to worry about. :) In the meantime I'll enjoy watching the leaves turn colors, I'm hoping to bring Mia apple picking and maybe even to a pumpkin patch, I have yet to find her a Halloween costume for her FIRST Halloween...but I'm sure something will be found.
I guesss that's about all I have to say for one night. Time for bed...Chow.
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